Moab, UT to Fruita, CO (more sightseeing!)
June 11 - 14, 2016
Having decided we wanted to visit Dinosaur National Monument we drove to Fruita, Colorado since it's the most direct route north. Fruita is just next door to Grand Junction, CO and is also very much into dinosaurs, many specimens having been discovered in the area, We happened to camp right across the street from Dinosaur Journey, a museum and research center. We had to check it out of course.
T. Rex |
Head model of T. Rex
He seems to be smiling but I wouldn't trust anything with teeth like that. |
My personal favorite - Stegosaurus! |
Never heard of this species before but it had bony plates as part of it's skeleton. |
Another view of T. Rex. |
Happily Laura survived this attack. Isn't that quite the evil looking skull? |
I prefer friendlier dinosaurs. This one appealed to me. |
Just outside of Fruita is one entrance to Colorado National Monument which we had never heard of before. Anything with the words "National Monument" or "National Park" or "National Battlefield" is worth a look and we weren't disappointed. We especially lucked out in being able to see Big Horn Sheep. They hadn't been spotted in several weeks but came out the day we visited!!!
Can you spot the 2 female big horn sheep in this picture?
Look for the two whitest spots and you'll have found their rumps.
The lower one is looking right at us. |
Colorado Nat. Monument. |
We try to remember to stop and smell the flowers (or at least take their picture). |
These two pictures were part of a "paved" walkway at one of the pull offs.
Both are classic examples of petrified stone that was once at the bottom of a body of water. |
Since we were close to a Grand Junction we stayed an extra day and had the motorhome serviced while we were here. It was good to check that off our list. We still have the regular things to do while we travel. Laundry (we always heave a sigh of relief when we finish this chore), bills, balance the checkbook, vacuum, clean, etc. But we happily remind ourselves that we don't have to mow the lawn or weed the garden, or pick up branches, prune the fruit trees or do any of the other myriad things we used to have to do around the yard. It's a trade off - but one which we are enjoying.
I read your posts from top to bottom, and all I have to say is, "I want to do what you are doing!!"
ReplyDeleteWell, I mean at this page from top to bottom! Will catch up with you on a couple lunch hours!