Tuesday, August 23, 2016

More Tire Troubles

Back to Idaho Falls, Idaho (re-visiting my aunt and cousin)
July 23-25, 2016

We headed back to Idaho Falls to have a quick visit with my aunt Joy and my cousin Megaera before heading further west to Nampa.  We got to see Gaera's apartment and had a quick visit to a local craft fair nearby. We had a nice dinner at a Thai restaurant giving us some good chat time.

My cousin Megaera.  She is just as nice as she looks in this picture!

All went well until we woke up the next morning with another flat tire!  This time is was on one of the duelies.  We drove over to the Les Schwab store only to find them closed!  We had forgotten it was Sunday!  We found a gas station/car wash with free air (unbelievable right?) but the tire had become separated from the rim so I could not get it inflated.  We stayed another night, then went to Les Schwab and got things put right but by now I'm wondering about my/our tire karma.

I know your wondering so here's the deal.  I'm still not using the tire pressure monitoring system because one of the monitors was destroyed when our front tire blew and two were removed by the folks at Les Schwab because of problems with the valve extensions.  Once I get some new extensions and one new monitor I'll begin using the system.  We'll just have to take the dog for a long walk away from the motorhome while I set it up each time we roll on down the road.

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