Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Old Dominion State - Natural Bridge

Virginia - part two

June 1, 2018 - June 2, 2018

We decided not to continue driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway because of all the curves so we reverted to other local roads as we continued north.  Stopped in Lynchburg so we could drive over to  Natural Bridge and have a look.

Natural Bridge was only recently made a State Park and this awesome building came along with it.

The approach to Natural Bridge

Almost underneath the bridge.

Looking back from under the bridge.
Looking up from the other side.
A road actually goes across the top.
Walking to a Monacan Indian Village from the bridge.

This is the stream that cut through the rock, making the bridge.

Approaching the palisade (defensive perimeter) of the Monacan Indian Village.
Work shelter where tools were made from bone, stone, shell and wood.
Long house (currently under repair).  Used for ceremonies and meetings.
Communal cooking area.  Outdoor kitchens allowed for a variety of cooking techniques
as well as helped the women to maximize their time.
Hide tanning area.
Animal skins were used for clothing, blankets and as objects to trade.
Round house.
Used as a single family dwelling.

Work shelter.
Provides a protected space for basket weaving, clothing construction,
food preparation, pottery making and other jobs considered "women's work".
Trade area.
In the late 1600's trading posts were established on the Virginia frontier allowing
Native Americans to trade animal pelts for things they needed or wanted.

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