Tuesday, November 26, 2019

New York and Ontario, Canada

October 15, 2019 - October 17, 2019

In Seneca Falls we visited the National Women's Hall of Fame which we missed on our previous visit.  We really enjoyed reading the bio's of many of the women who have been admitted to the Hall of Fame but I, at least, came away feeling like a bit of a piker.  It's amazing to read their accomplishments.

October 17, 2019 - October 21, 2019

We drove over into Ontario and up to the small town of Auburn where a branch of Laura's Roetcisoender family lives.  We visited them two years ago and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves so we thought we visit them again.

Hielke and Theresa's home in Auburn.

Enjoyed the beautiful fall colors here.

Enjoyed dinner out with Theresa, son Jeff and his wife Kim.
Earlier in the day we met Jeff and Kim's delightful daughter Melissa (but we forgot to get a picture!)
Jeff and Kim's whole family had recently returned from a trip to their parents homeland (i.e. Netherlands).
3 of Hielke and Theresa's children - Jeff, Susie and Albert.

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