Friday, June 3, 2016

Continuing South into the Giant Metropolis

Santa Barbara to San Bernardino (for visit Doreen's cousins)

Our next stop was San Bernardino to visit one of my cousins.  This drive was where I first realized just how big the Greater Los Angeles area really is.  It didn't look that far on the map but considering how long it took us to get there I thought we must surely be in Mexico. 

We spent a very fun week with my cousin Candy and her husband Larry. 

Candy and Larry Whittaker
The playful side of these two crazy people!

Unfortunately I don't have many pictures from our time there.  I should have taken some pictures of the fabulous meals Candy cooked for us because she is a great cook.  I should have taken some pictures of Larry playing the guitar and singing, another thing we had the pleasure to enjoy.  I should have had a tape recorder to record some of Larry and Candy's very funny family stories.  We had a great time with them and we laughed a lot!

Star date: April 5-12, 2016

1 comment:

  1. Just checked on your progress and I'm way behind! I'll catch up soon. I noticed the 'list' and it scared me until I saw you were helping your mother! It looks very handy. I have a book, but it's lots of pages to fill out. I think I'll copy your list and get at it. So many things in my so called files are out of date.
