Friday, June 23, 2017

The big D

Denver, CO
(Seeing Friends)

June 15, 2017 - June 17, 2017

After we left Arizona, we discovered that our friend Mark had moved from Denver to Phoenix so we thought we had missed our chance to see him.  But, in one of life's little ironies, he happened to be visiting a friend in Denver at the time we were going to be there.  Sweet!

We met for dinner at Steve's (Mark's friend) and had fun reminiscing.  We both knew Mark from our days at Pacific Northwest Bell/US West. He still works for the company (now called CenturyLink) but fondly remembers the old days.  Of course we knew all kinds of people in common so we got caught up on their news as well.  It was such a fun evening!

Mark and Steve with Steve's dog ToTo (who is too cute for his own good.)

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