Thursday, September 22, 2016


Rocky Mountain House to Drumheller, Alberta (sightseeing)

August 23- August 25, 2016

Next, based on a tip from our ex-neighbors, we headed to Drumheller, Alberta, site of the Royal Tyrrell Museum, a dinosaur museum to end all dinosaur museums.  What a place!  I'll let a small sampling of pictures do the talking.  (Thank you Barry and Lisa for telling us about this museum!)
The entrance.
This fact really surprised us.
The museum also houses a working laboratory.
Tools used in the field.
Tools used in the laboratory.

T. Rex
Those teeth more than make up for those pathetic front legs.
T. Rex might be the only dinosaur I can name but I'm sure you'll appreciate the variety and number of specimens in this museum after seeing the pictures below.

Another T. Rex.  Those teeth and tiny front legs are a dead give-a-way.

This enormous specimen inhabited the watery regions of the planet.

Yea!  Another one I can name!!!!

A rare sample of fossilized dinosaur skin.
No - it's not fossilized dinosaur poop although they have samples of that as well!!

The museum is enormous.  It would have to be in order to hold all these huge skeletons.

Early turtle

What a fabulous place.  If you ever get to Alberta - make sure you see it.

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