Saturday, September 24, 2016

Alberta..............(the end)

Waterton Lakes NP, Alberta to Princeton, BC (sightseeing)

September 3 - September 5, 2016

As we headed across Crows Nest Pass to BC we made our final stop in Alberta.  The large portion town of Frank, Alberta was wiped out in the early hours of 1903 when a huge portion of Turtle Mountain fell onto the southeast portion of the town below.  I don't think I'll ever look at a highway sign indicating areas where rocks might fall the same way.  It was all over in only 90 seconds.

The view of the slide area as you approach the turn off for the visitor's center.

The view from the visitor center.
The center does an excellent job of telling about the slide and the stories of survivors.

The section of Turtle mountain that came down.

Panorama from the visitor center.
 A sobering place to visit.  It's hard to imagine what the people in this small town went through.
From here we drove to Princeton, BC, staying in the towns of Cranbrook and Grand Forks enroute.  If you look at a map of BC you'll notice highway 3 zig zags across the southern border of the province.  That's the route we took!  Wow - what a drive. Lots of twists and turns!

1 comment:

  1. Ray just reminded me that we were there! We were sitting in a restaurant looking at that mountain about 1993. Glad one of us has a memory. Thanks for sharing all this with us!! xxoo
