Saturday, September 24, 2016

Back to British Columbia

Princeton, BC (camping with friends)

September 5 - September 12, 2016

Last August we met a Debra and Gerry, from Kamloops, when we were visiting Kelowna, BC.  I wrote about them in the very first blog of this series.  When we knew we were unexpectedly going to be back in BC, we called to see if we could get together for some camping.  They had a very busy summer with weddings, travel plans, anniversaries, etc. but they had scheduled a camping trip to Princeton from September 5th to the 12th and said we were welcome to join them.  We adjusted our plans, giving us a nice space of time to visit Banff, Jasper, Yoho, and lots of Alberta.  We all got together in Princeton on the 5th and spent a nice leisurely week eating and sitting around the campfire.  We were so relaxed that we didn't take any pictures until right before we left.  I guess that means we were having a good time.

Debra's brother Reg and his chocolate lab Julie.
She loves to ride on the back of his quad.
I wish we had a picture of the fantastic contraption the Reg
built to haul his quad.  He pulls a trailer behind the truck and
 he came  up with an absolutely ingenious way to haul the quad.
Debra and Gerry.  They both ride quads and bicycles and kayaks and boats.
Unfortunately they were a bit under the weather after catching a bug from Reg.
Happy campers. 
My new tee shirt defines the way in which Canadian's use the term Eh?
 I'm so sad there aren't more pictures.  Debra's daughter and her husband were with us for one night before they had to get home to Lethbridge, AB.  They had their two dogs with them and our dog Barney had a blast playing with them.  There were virtually no other campers in this park so Barney got to experience freedom for awhile.  He was such a happy boy.

Barney when we told him we had to leave Princeton.

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