Monday, August 5, 2019

Back to Woolwine, Virginia

June 19, 2019 - June 24, 2019

You can't beat this camping spot at our friends Carol and Carl's home.
Last year Carol and I discovered that we are cousins from a common ancestor named Daniel Damon.
She came from the line formed with his second wife Jemima Stetson and I come from the line formed
by his first wife Bathsheba Silvester.
Carol and Carl's beautiful home overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains.

The view of the Blue Ridge Mountians from their back porch.
Carol and her daughter Katy at Katy's home.
The view from Katy's home.
One night we went up to the town of Floyd where they have music every week. Groups play music all along the street and people come from miles around to enjoy it.
This group was performing at the Floyd Country Store. 
There's a big area in front of the stage where people can dance up a storm!

You can see for yourself what fun everyone is having.
We asked what kind of dancing they were doing and were told "clogging" or "flat dancing."
Many of the dancers have taps on their shoes in order to get a bit more noise out of their dancing.

When we got home I just had to look up flat dancing and here's an example of someone who really knows how to do it!  No taps on her shoes either!

You gotta be impressed with that!

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