Friday, August 16, 2019

Pennsylvania - part 4

July 18, 2019 - July 20, 2019

From Titusville we headed toward Corning, NY, stopping in Coudersport, PA to keep the drive reasonable.

As it turns out, Coudersport was having it's second annual "Elliot Ness" weekend.  Seems Mr. Ness died in Coudersport.  The celebration brought lots of classic cars to town, vendors (of course), special movies, costumes, games, etc.  We both love old cars so we were easily entertained as we wandered the streets checking them out.

Isn't that a beauty!  The folks who designed cars in those days were at the top of their game.

Of course police vehicles were an important part of "Elliot Ness Days."
Ness's work in Chicago is what made him famous.

Ness also worked in Cleveland for a number of years.
Not all the cars were polished and sparkling!
This one represents a family trying to make it to California during the dust bowl years.

I love any old vehicle with wood on it.  (Cool trunk in the back as well.)

Another beauty.  The folks who restore these really do a fantastic job.

And last but not least for the blog - this beautiful Rolls Royce.

Happend to see a sign about an Ice Mine in the Coudersport area and curiosity got the best of us.

The "mine" was dug years ago and now a small grotto has been built around it.
At first you think it's a mine where ice can be dug out and used but the unique thing about the mine is this:
The ice forms as spring comes on and disappears as fall fades into winter.
It's exactly the opposite as you would expect and even to this day they don't know why it happens.

Looking down into the ice mine from one end - and then the other end (below).
This is the first year the ice has been blue and it's one more thing they can't explain.
Every year the amount of ice that forms is different and the shape it takes is different.
At the end of the season in fall they just close things up and when they open again in the spring
they never know what they're going to find!

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