Saturday, August 24, 2019

New York - part 3

July 31, 2019 - August 3, 2019

Many of my ancestors once lived in the Finger Lakes area of New York so we went off to Wolcott to explore an area where a fair number of them once made their home.  It was a beautiful drive along Cayuga Lake then on up to Wolcott which is close to but not directly situated on Lake Ontario.  It's an area lush with apple orchards.  I managed to find ancestors in several cemeteries, picked up a bunch of probate records and just generally checked out some of the towns where they used to live. 

Sign for the Baker Cemetery in Walworth, NY.
Headstone of David Calvin Warner - my 5th great grandfather.
Headstone of Abram P Easton, my 4th great grandfather. 
This stone, along with several other Easton's are in the Fair Mount Cemetery in Red Creek, NY.
His father and mother are also buried in this cemetery but the headstone appears to be gone now.
We went to see Chimney Bluffs State Park which is right on Lake Ontario. 
The 'beach' varies from about this wide to about 1 foot wide.
The water was super clear and there were lots of boats anchored near the shore where people were swimming.
Although we saw some super neat pictures of the Chimney's on line, they are hard to see from the water's edge.
The chimneys are formed as follows: (from an online page)
"The bluffs are formed from eroded drumlins, teardrop-shaped hills of glacial till that were deposited and shaped by glaciers during the most recent ice age. The erosive power of wind, rain, snow, and waves has formed the landscape into sharp pinnacles."

Every years the chimneys look different - depending on rain, snow, freezing, etc.

Barney loved this walk on the beach.  He was one tired puppy when we finished.
Here you can see some of the boats anchored off shore.

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