Saturday, August 10, 2019

West Virginia

July 1, 2019 - July 5, 2019

We drove from the Roanoke area over to Fairlea, West Virginia where we spent a few nights before heading north again.

From Fairlea we drove to Elkins, WV.  Although it's kind of far from anything the town itself is hanging in there.

The second day we were there our refrigerator died.  At it happens we were very lucky to be in Elkins at that point because ... 

...consider the odds of the following happening on the day before July 4th.
  1. There was a large RV dealership and repair shop just outside of Elkins.  Bobby, who manages the repair shop, fit us into his already full schedule.  He confirmed that the fridge was kaput but said he could order a new one.
  2. Pegasus Campground, where we were staying, had an activity room complete with 2 refrigerators and a chest freezer!  Plenty of room to hold the contents of our fridge and freezer.  We didn't have to throw out a single thing.
  3. Our Pegasus campground hosts (Mark and Bonnie) were able to give us a spot to stay over the holiday period.
  4. The refrigerator was ordered on Wednesday July 3rd and arrived on Friday July 5th!

Like I said - what are the odds!  We still pinch ourselves that it all worked out so well.

Part of Pegasus Campground in Elkins, WV.  If you are ever in the Elkins area this is the place to camp.
Tell Mark and Bonnie that Doreen and Laura sent you!

While our fridge was being installed we drove NE to do some sightseeing.  We encountered several crews working along the various roads we were on.  It was awhile before we finally realized there had been a recent flood in the area and the crews were out trying to repair the damage.

Above and below.
Saw many trees and bushes like this - with the dirt completely stripped away from their roots.

Not a great picture but you can see the school bus that got caught in the flood waters.
Just to the left of the bus you can see the tires of a truck that was completely turned over.
They are straight up from the 3rd cone from the left (to the first green you see), then slightly toward the right.
We kept driving until we encountered water coming over the road. At that point we decided not to risk getting stuck up in the mountains so we turned around and headed back to Elkins.

Nice saying.

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